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Just a short toot of the horn today...really short.
Right now, I have a photograph being exhibited in the Vermont PhotoPlace Gallery in a showing titled, "Imagined Realities". This non-Italy photo will be exhibited through August 6th.
“That’s slough as rhymes with flew, and not slough as rhymes with rough”
This is one of those instances when I think, 'Alright! The judges get it.'. I'm not sure whether you agree, but the selected photo is one of my favorite manipulations -- though the manipulation is subtle...just the placement of the handwritten letter and some shadows. Thus, I'm happy that the judge agreed that it was worthy of being framed and placed on the walls of this gallery.
Here is the original photo from which I worked.
Original snapshot
I took this photo in 2011 while visiting in Maine. I suggested to the owner of this property that it was a bayou, he suggested that it was a slough (that's slough as rhymes with flew, and not slough as rhymes with rough...go figure...why not slew?!). The picturesque slough is between Bath and Wiscasett.
I spent a couple of hours here, some of it in a gentle rain. I would have to admit that as late afternoon turned to evening, it got just a little bit spooky.
Basically, what you see is a lily pad photo. And that's what I saw when I took the photo. Later, I saw something else, as I guess that I was in a state of melancholy. My vision was of a lost love letter, floating just below the surface. So, that's what I created.
Whether the letter was thrown away by the recipient, or whether it blew away without the recipient's permission, I can't say. I'll let you be the judge.
Here's my photo, as it is being exhibited in the gallery this month.
Love's Letter Lost
Want to see more of a Maine slough? Then click here.
Ciao for now,
ps: Thank you to those who pointed out that I definitely have a spelling problem that spell-checker can't solve. This was obvious in the email I sent out last Thursday with photos of time I spent in the desert of Nevada (click here if you missed it). I do know the difference between a dessert and a desert (one is yummy and one is hot), but I obviously didn't understand the correct spelling of each. My sister has now pointed out that the trick is the two s's in dessert, which stand for 'sweet stuff'. OK, I've got it now. And for those who didn't catch the spelling error, you can join me as the first to sit down during a spelling bee.